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Where ideas meet creators.


Hardwarehouse & manufacturing

New products begins with prototypes, where solution ideas become real physical objects, that can be tested, tried. Things are checked. Next phase is MVP, where product finally can meet its first real users. Feedback is born on which improvements can be made, making lovable product, while iterating on development.

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Comprehensive approach with service for kiosks, totems, checkout and other publicly available devices, that helps automate sales, find information, register individuals. Designing, prototyping, manufacturing. Interface design and software development.


Build secure hardware that fits your IoT devices, data storage & processing requirements. We design hardware components for various types of IoT devices, including PCBs and housings, microcontrollers and modules.


Services for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle system designers, developers. With background of UAV solutions development, we are happy to share our assets with you.
New systems prototyping, frame and covers design, custom electronics, laboratory tests, assembly.